nihr doctoral fellowship interview
nihr doctoral fellowship interview
nihr doctoral fellowship interview
No exceptions will be made. These costs should all be agreed with the CTU and budgeted for. The level of support and input from the CTU will likely vary depending on the level of fellowship and experience of the applicant. An infectious disease of long duration, such as HIV or hepatitis C. The overall remit of theNIHRis early translational (experimental medicine), clinical and applied health research, and social care research. If the research you are proposing includes a clinical trial, feasibility study or pilot study, or if your area of research is related to clinical trials, you are strongly encouraged to read the NIHR Clinical Trials Guide for Trainees before starting an application. If you would like to discuss this further in relation to your personal circumstances please get in touch with theNIHRusing the details provided above. Previous experience in these fields means that that an individual may still be eligible to apply, but whatever their background, they must propose a new focus for their activities that will add substantial and demonstrable value. The RDS has regional offices and links with local networks. The majority of awards will still be researcher-led, i.e., the applicant proposes the area of research rather than responding to a particular call or theme. If they are, any costs should be entered as direct costs in the Details of Posts and Salaries and Annual Costs of Posts sections. Up to 100% of costs will be paid. The Charity Partner will review the application as part of its own approval process. 1. NIHR will not accept any applications unless fully approved by your signatory prior to the 1pm deadline. We fund research according to the potential for patient/service user/carer/public benefit rather than according to specific methodologies. Statements may wish to refer to the principles and best practice outlined within relevant Charters and Concordats in these areas, such as the Researcher Development Concordat and Advance HEs Equality Charters. The finance section includes a section that asks researchers to provide an estimate of the patient care costs associated with the research (if applicable). Please note that only applicants with researchPhDsare eligible. What do you intend to produce from your research? UK Biobank recruited 500,000 people aged between 40-69 years in 2006-2010 from across the country to take part in this project. Please indicate clearly any co-applicants and provide brief details of the nature and full extent of your involvement (e.g., project design, project management, day to day running, data collection, data analysis, writing papers for publication, etc.). NIHR POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP. Start early. Therefore, information should also be provided on the organisations track record of supporting early career researchers, such as evidence of bridging or other support provided to fellows upon completion of an award. You must provide a clear and full justification for all costs including NHS/social care costs. Please note that mentors (including supervisors and individuals named as providing research support) expenses will not be funded. DHSC NIHR respects the privacy of individuals who share their data and processes it in a manner that meets the requirements of GDPR. 1 A4 page detailing specific milestone and deliverables. Please note it is often the case that one of the participants named in this section is also named in the Participants and Signatory section of the form. TheNIHRClinical Research Network (CRN) supports researchers and the life sciences industry in planning, setting up and delivering high quality research to the agreed timelines and study recruitment target, for the benefit of the NHS and social care and patients/service users/carers in England. Applicants should no longer include open access costs as part of their application. Please describe the health or social care service setting or context in which the study will take place (such as the organisation or service type,). Fellowship time may also be used to conduct pilot research which will contribute to the proposal. Do not include abstracts, conference proceedings or articles in preparation. . Non-academic organisations hosting fellowships should provide an innovation or research environment and must be registered companies (incorporated by either companies house or the charity commission) and public bodies. We will also ensure that the assessment of fellowship applications takes into account the impact ofCOVID-19 on applicants. We will only fund primary research where the proposed research is informed by a review of the existing evidence. A number of participants and a signatory are required to be added to your application and, where applicable, to complete sections of it. (Note that work outlined in your application/protocol must adhere to theResearch Governance Framework). Please use "ExxonMobil LOFT Fellowship" in the subject line. Further guidance for trainees and applicants is available in theNIHRClinical Trials Guide for Trainees. PROSPERO registration is a condition ofNIHRfunding for eligible systematic reviews. Other visa categories are available. Find out more on thePROSPERO website. For applicants who havent been awarded their PhD or MD, their primary supervisor will be required to be added to the application form as a participant to confirm that the thesis has been submitted for examination. Applicants are encouraged to consider whether Biobank may be able to provide suitable data for their study. Where you are working with a CTU please include a supporting letter. All parties (applicant, participants and signatory) will be notified of this via an automated system generated email. For help with estimatingPPIcosts please see the. Indirect costs should be charged in proportion to the amount of research staff effort requested on the funding application form. When the signatory presses the approve button, the application will be submitted to NIHR. Using all of the headings (in the order presented) and guidance below, please use this section to clearly explain your proposed research. Clearly describe how the proposed arrangements will support your overall development and provide an initial assessment of the time that will be allocated to the research support process. Doctoral Fellowship applicants can request up to 20% be allocated and Advanced Fellowship applicants can request up to 40% be allocated. The individuals you list here are required to complete the Participants and Signatory section of the application form. NIHRpromoting equality, diversity and inclusion in research. This includes guidance on how to go about approaching a suitableCTUto support your application. You will find a Validation Summary button in the left-hand menu. Case study 2, Gail Distefano, Principal Clinical Scientist, Royal Surrey County Hospital. Please note that we expect the applicants proposed host organisation (substantive employer) to act as the contractor. At school, interested in biology not sure about being a doctor. The RDS may be able to support applicants with small grants to work up PPI plans with, for example, patient/service user groups. The remaining time must only be allocated to the research or research-related training proposed in the application. Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application by email when all required processes are complete. If you have indicated that your research degree has not yet been awarded in the research degree section, then it is mandatory to include your primary supervisor in the application. If relevant, details of these may be included in the Applicant Research Background section. The Advanced Fellowship can be used by people to support a transition in their research career as described above. The flow diagram in Annex C goes through the actions required of participants, signatory and the applicant. Its time for a wide range of researchers to get involved in mental health researchWorking at the interface of academia, industry and health and careUsing a clinical academic career to keep patients at the forefront of my work, Closing date for submission of online application, Development and Skills Enhancement Award Selection Committee December 2021, Development and Skills Enhancement Award Round 4-6 - funding recommendation meeting public minutes, Collaborations, service and support for your research, Access facilities for early stage research, Access data, patient cohorts or samples support, Participant in research experience survey, clinical academic programmes provided by NIHR, Pre-doctoral Fellowship Round 5 Guidance Notes, Pre-doctoral Fellowship Selection Committee, Pre-doctoral Fellowship Round 4 Chairs Report, NIHR Pre-doctoral Fellowship Potential Supervisors 2023, NIHR Pre-doctoral Fellowship Potential CTU Host Organisations, Potential Masters Level Courses for Round 5 NIHR Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, Doctoral and Advanced Fellowships - Round 8 Guidance Notes, Doctoral and Advanced Fellowships - Round 9 Guidance Notes, NIHR Doctoral Fellowship Round 5 Public Minutes, NIHR Doctoral Fellowship Round 5 Chairs' Report. With both awards it will also be possible to undertake the Fellowship at less than 100% WTE which can accommodate clinical/practice work paid for from another source. Fellowships are between 2 and 5 years Whole Time Equivalent (WTE) in duration and may be taken up on a part-time basis between 50% and 100% WTE (Annex D). To browse the NIHR site please use a modern, secure browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. Details of the numbers of PhD students currently supervised and successfully supervised to completion of PhD must be included here. Applicants will be expected to demonstrate how they intend to draw on existing or emerging NIHR-funded research, as well as on the wider evidence base, in their knowledge mobilisation activities. If undertaking part-time this should be reduced accordingly up to a maximum of 20%. The Administrative Authority or Finance Officer for the employing host must confirm that they will ensure the accuracy of the financial details of the application and that the host organisation is prepared to carry out this research at the stated costs and to administer the award if made. If you check the VAT cannot be reclaimed column, VAT at 20% will automatically be calculated into the overall cost of that item. For clinical/practice applicants (including social care practitioners) applying for a Doctoral Fellowship on a full time basis, up to 2 sessions per week (i.e. The Doctoral Fellowship will allow clinical/practice applicants, medical and other registered healthcare professionals, to spend up to 20% of their time undertaking clinical/practice activities in order to maintain clinical/practice competence and skills. TheNIHRis using the definition set out in the 2018 Academy of Medical Sciences policy report,Multimorbidity: A priority for global health researchwhich is: The co-existence of two or more chronic conditions, each one of which is either: NIHRhas defined a strategic framework forMLTC-M research which can be foundhere. Please itemise and describe the requirements fully (e.g., postage, stationery, photocopying). . Methods for sharing study progress and findings with study participants. Any resulting publications must give credit to the Oxford Biomedical Research Centre. The Doctoral Fellowship will allow clinical/practice applicants, medical and other registered healthcare professionals, to spend up to 20% of their time undertaking clinical/practice activities in order to maintain clinical/practice competence and skills. The SoECAT must be signed off by an AcoRD Specialist even where there are no excess treatment costs. the Head of Department has completed the Host Organisation Support Statement. The DHSC Data Protection Officer can be contacted by email at: Suitability and experience of research support and mentoring team. All other activities must be undertaken outside the percentage time declared as the basis of the Fellowship. From the 1st of June 2022, all eligible awards contracts issued across, will have an Open Access Envelope allocated to them on top of the award value, which is ring-fenced for open access costs of peer reviewed research articles that arise directly from the research funded by the award in question. Additionally, applicants should demonstrate that all potential recruiting locations have been considered and the research is deliverable to those areas. section. 3. Review of existing evidence - How does the existing literature support this proposal?Explain why this research is needed now, both in terms of time and relevance. . For Employers. EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellow . For Advanced applicants this . If you are successful in being selected for interview, you will be invited to Leeds to be interviewed by the selection committee. Applicants from clinical or social care practice are able to include up to 20% clinical/practice time as part of the . promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in research. Financial support under an NIHR Fellowship is subject to a contract between the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the host organisation. For example, if you were a Clinical Lecturer and undertook research for 2.5 days a week and clinical/practice work for 2.5 days per week; please enter 50% for that position. The finance section should provide a breakdown of costs associated with undertaking the research as described in the proposal. Lem Ngongalah. Government procurement transparency regulations require the publication of all contracts made with theDHSCto be made available on theDHSCwebsite. (you must have been awarded a PhD or MD by the time you attend the interview) Not . For clinical/practice applicants (including social care practitioners), please also use this space to indicate if you will be using the award to undertake clinical/practice sessions. The SoECAT form must be uploaded even where there are no excess treatment costs. 7. Staff employed by a HEI are funded at 80% of cost and staff employed by NHS, social care, commercial or other partner organisation at up to 100% of cost. 4. An adjustment for inflation will be made annually thereafter at rates set byDHSC. For non-clinical applicants the Fellowship does not include or pay for any activities other than the research and research-related training proposed in a successful application. Diabetes UK is interested in funding research into all forms of diabetes and its complications. Unsuccessful applicants will only be able apply to the same fellowship on one further occasion. Many reviewers use this summary to inform their review of your funding application. It is expected that the research will have the potential for practical application and the potential impact on patients/service users, carers and the public must be made clear. You should follow the instructions in the email to log onto the system. 06 July 2021. Applicants who are active clinicians (defined as being either a registered doctor, dentist or other registered healthcare professionals eligible to apply for the Integrated Clinical Academic programme) or social workers, are able to request up to 40% of their time be dedicated to clinical service/development/practice, which will be covered by the Fellowship. Careful thought should be given to a) the experience of your chosen supervisors, b) maintaining contact, and c) the potential for difficulties of communication and conflicting opinions and advice when there are more than two supervisors. Academic clinical fellowships (ACFs) enable trainees to obtain formal exposure to research during clinical training and are . This opportunity available through the LOFT program is for Hispanic students. Advice on how to do this can be obtained from theNIHRCarbon Reduction Guidelines. Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the additional guidance for applicants looking to include research and/or research training relevant to clinical trials in their fellowship application, particularly the key skills for competent clinical trialists. However, the more information you provide, the more effective our monitoring will be. Applications for Doctoral Fellowships are assessed on the following criteria: Applications for Advanced Fellowships are assessed on the following criteria: Fellowships must start on the first of the month and, for this round, fellowships will be available to start between 01 October 2023 and 01 March 2024. Please note that for organisations claiming indirect/overhead costs, costs such as recruitment of staff, and general training (e.g., in common IT packages) are costs that should be covered by the indirect costs element of the award being sought and should not appear in this section. However as with all applicants the justification for the support requested both in monetary terms and award length will be assessed as part of the review process. Some programmes may offer opportunities for additional support pre- or post-PhD. Social care research is also eligible for CRN support. The SPCR Post-Doctoral Fellowships are fixed amounts and do not require costings as part of the application. Contributions to research-based knowledge on knowledge mobilisation may be made directly through research and evaluation embedded in the Fellowship, as well as through careful collaboration with research partners over the lifetime of the project. Please also select the duration of award between 2 and 5 years WTE. What is the research question / aims and objectives?Please summarise the research question / key aims and objectives. "The NIHR Doctoral Research Training Camp was a great experience. The Fellowships have been designed to support people at various points of their development to become leading researchers, from initial pre-doctoral training right through to senior post-doctoral research. We would not normally expect the time commitment of any individual costed into the application other than the applicant or member of support staff to exceed 0.3 WTE. For Round 9 of the Fellowships Programme, the NIHR will be partnering with the following charities: The application process for these fellowships is the same as for our standard Fellowships and successful applicants will become members of the NIHR in the same way as successful applicants to our standard fellowships. Plus we've got some amazing social workers through our aprentiship scheme - NIHRis committed topromoting equality, diversity and inclusion in researchand asks applicants to provide Equality and Diversity Monitoring Information (age, sex, ethnicity and race, and disability). If an applicants PhD costs exceed 4,596 (per annum on a full time basis), it is expected that the applicants host institution will cover any excess costs associated with the PhD fees. Yes. Full details of the support INVOLVE can provide and contact information is available via the, only be used for the purpose of monitoring equal opportunities. The SoECAT form must be uploaded even where there are no excess treatment costs. Advice on applying for a NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship These Fellowships are awarded on the basis of quality. (NIHR) Research Post-Doctoral Fellowship to M.F. It is essential that you clearly identify the health and care need your research meets or contributes to. Any other relevant experience such as supervisory, management, teaching, public engagement and involvement, or leadership experience. Health & Social Care R&D Division of the Public Health Agency Northern Ireland. NIHR Fellowships, to quote Dawn Biram from the Trainees Coordinating Centre (TCC) who spoke, fund research and training to develop the research leaders of the future. Potential applicants must also inform their Research and Development (R&D) office of their intention and seek their advice prior to completing an application for this programme. Written evidence of the award from the awarding body of the PhD or MD will be required prior to attending for interview. Please note that the remit of this database has been widened to include all primary research projects, even those that are not randomised controlled trials. Further itemisation of costs and methods of calculation may be requested to support the application at a later date. Publicly funded health or social care bodies may be providers or commissioners of services. Applicants are encouraged to draw on the latest thinking and theories that pertain to knowledge creation, dissemination and use. Use current rates of pay (basic salary, geographical allowance and on-costs; any additional allowances being received for other activities within your current pay are ineligible) and build in any known annual increments (again at current rates). You can view theISRCTN website. Applicants will need to state what they wish to use the Advanced Fellowship for and the impact it will have on their career if successful. Any costs must be realistic in order to deliver the trial but must also represent value for money. Please use this section to detail the training and development you will undertake as part of the Fellowship. The level of additional staff input will obviously depend on the type and scope of the trial and the experience of the applicant. This is in line with the NIHR policy on clinical trial registration and disclosure of results. Yes. Where already registered for a PhD (or MPhil with transfer to PhD), you should not have been registered for more than 12 months at 100% WTE by the time the award starts. Details of the individual who will be required to approve your application after submission (the signatory) should be entered in the Participants & Signatory' section. If the application was unsuccessful, please indicate why and detail how this application differs from previous submission(s) and how any feedback received has been used to inform this application. The Fellowship funds: full salary support, including protected time to concentrate on research. Careful thought should be given to a) the experience of your chosen supervisors, b) maintaining contact, and c) the potential for difficulties of communication and conflicting opinions and advice when there are more than two supervisors. Professor Anne Lingford -Hughes. Details of the required individuals are provided on the online application form along with details of how they should added. please select whether you wish to hold the Fellowship on a full-time basis, or part-time basis at 50% WTE or above. This section should identify appropriate actions that would reduce or eliminate each risk or its impact. Therefore, along with the research proposal, NIHR selection committees will assess the abilities, academic trajectory, existing experience, commitment to a career in health or care research, ambition and aspirations of the applicant, the standards in the research training environment, and the plans for explicit training in research methods. In most cases applicants will not be able to request more than 8 years worth of funding across 2 Advanced Fellowships, however there may be certain exceptional circumstances where more than 8 years worth of funding is appropriate. I have always been passionate about research as a means to making a difference in society, so a PhD was an obvious decision after my postgraduate degree. access, payments, training). Costs claimed should be for the additional support from the CTU for the necessary expertise that the trainee cannot provide themselves. The SoECAT form can be uploaded in Excel format. A postdoctoral scientist position is available in Dr Hans Michael Haitchi's group in Respiratory Research, Clinical & Experimental Sciences (CES), Faculty of . 1. patient/service user, carer and public involvement. develop new ways of enabling research knowledge to be used in practice and/or; enhance existing knowledge mobilisation mechanisms; develop new research knowledge of particular and timely relevance to the NHS and/or social care; develop new questions of relevance to implementation research and practice, and; enhance the capability of the Fellow to facilitate networking between researchers and potential research users, shaping these communities and building effective linkages between them. Failing to validate your answers may result in you being unable to submit your application by the required deadline. All documents must be submitted in English. Please note; if you are applying for an NIHR Charity Partnership Fellowship, your information (including your NIHR application form and subsequent progress/annual reports) will be shared with the charitable organisation as part of the review process and ongoing monitoring of the award. The information you share with the monitoring system: Advanced Fellowship award holders requiring a visa to work in the UK are eligible to apply for a Global Talent visa under the fast-track process of endorsement. If you are proposing a programme of work as part of an application (particularly relevant for more senior awards) it maybe that certain elements of the programme would be outside the remit of NIHR if considered in isolation. The NIHR Doctoral Fellowship funds individuals from a range of health and social care professions to undertake a PhD in an area of NIHR research. The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) offers a range of fellowships to support individuals at various points of their development in becoming leading researchers, from initial pre-doctoral training to senior post-doctoral research. Please specify the hourly rate and the number of hours and note that consultants must not be people who are already employed by the applicants institution. Research. We are very keen to build relationships with our grant holders with a view to providing longer-term funding to exceptional candidates. Every person eligible to take part in research should be offered the same opportunity of taking part in that research regardless of: Applicants should demonstrate how these factors have been considered and addressed in their proposal, including steps taken to ensure the research sample is representative of the population the study is targeted at. Do not include abstracts, conference proceedings or articles in preparation. Doctoral applicants and early career Advanced applicants can propose to undertake a systematic review as part of the fellowship, provided it is well justified. When entering details of your current and previous positions please indicate at what percentage (WTE) in each post you were undertaking research. Please note that mentors (including supervisors and individuals named as providing research support) expenses, If a cost relates to travel, subsistence or fees for a. Applications to the NIHR Advanced Fellowships must be based in the UK at their Host Organisation for the duration of the fellowship, except for travel for research, training or development activities as outlined within the proposal. Explain why your approach to patient and public involvement is appropriate for this proposal. If you are applying for an Advanced Fellowship under the topic ofMLTC-M, please indicate in the Application Summary Information Section by selecting this option from the Career Stagedropdownbox. These can be lease or purchase costs. The signatory will be required to agree to the role being asked of them in the application before the application is submitted by the applicant, and then approve the final version of the application after it has been submitted via the online system, i.e., the signatory must have agreed to participate and complete their sections before the applicant is able to press the submit button and send the application for signatory approval. Name: TashHeydonRole: 01798 342 831Colt foundation website. The scientific abstract should be a clear and concise scientific summary of the Detailed Research Plan. Applications which include a programme of work where the majority of the work is out of remit, but with a small study within NIHR remit added on, will not be considered. PROSPERO was developed by theNIHRsCentre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD), and is the first online facility to register systematic reviews for research about health and social care from all around the world. Please note, all other queries about the application process should be directed to the NIHR Academy. Only publications relevant to your application should be included. Depending on professional background and expertise, applicants are not necessarily expected to have an extensive list of publications. Please see the guidance for, Finance, personnel, public relations and departmental services. You are required to supply the names and email addresses (if not already registered on the ARAMIS application system) of the individuals who will be undertaking participant roles as part of your application. Please note that the Welsh Government will only support a limited number of successful applications per year. Please give the full details of any completed higher degree(s) and, where relevant, the full details of any higher degree(s) you are currently undertaking. The remaining time must only be allocated to the research or research-related training proposed in the application. You will only be able to press the Submit button, which will send the application for final sign off by the signatory when: Please note; when completing the application form, you are advised to validate your application as you go. Once their contact details have been entered, the signatory will be invited to log into the system and confirm their participation. Have completed any relevant pre-registration training (for clinical academic applicants), Have completed a first degree (for non-clinical applicants). be proposing to develop a career as a methodologist in one of the areas listed above. Please note all other queries about the application process should be directed to the NIHR Academy.
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